
Policies Number Title Document Type Division Type Dated Signed
Updated DEMA Directive 20.09, Dress & Appearance Policy Publications DEMA 11-26-18
DoD Instruction 1400.25 Volume 431 Appraisal Program Appraisals DEMA 06-16-20
CNGBI 1400.25 vol431 Appraisals DEMA 01-20-20
DoD PMAP - Creating a Progress Review Appraisals DEMA 07-14-20
DoD PMAP - Creating a Narrative Statement Appraisals DEMA 10-13-22
DoD PMAP - Employee User's Guide Appraisals DEMA 10-13-22
DoD PMAP - Rating Official User's Guide Appraisals DEMA 05-16-16
OWCP - Read First OWPC DEMA 07-15-20
OWCP - Medical Billing Information OWPC DEMA 07-03-20
ECOMP - Registering for an Account OWPC DEMA 06-12-19
CA-1 - Reviewing as a Supervisor OWPC DEMA 10-12-22
OWCP - Supervisor's Checklist OWPC DEMA 06-15-20
ECOMP - Uploading Documents to FECA Case Files OWPC DEMA 07-19-18
CA-17 - Duty Status Report OWPC DEMA 05-12-11
CA-20 - Attending Physician's Report OWPC DEMA 08-12-14
Comparison of Benefits for T32 NG Members due to 502(f)(2) Orders Duration Benefits DEMA 04-10-20
ACT 71 Collective Bargaining Agreement (June 2021) Misc DEMA 07-06-19
ACT 61 Collective Bargaining Agreement (June 2021) Misc DEMA 07-13-17
USERRA Law Information Misc DEMA 10-26-17
SF52 Guide (Examples) Misc DEMA 06-18-20
OSC Whistleblower Protection Information Link Misc DEMA 06-06-20
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Misc DEMA 04-09-20
MSD Instruction Packet Misc DEMA 06-15-18