Military personnel lined up in a desert waiting for a helicopter to land.
"Be All You Can Be"
DEERS Enrollment and ID Card Issuance
Camp Navajo Hunting Information
Camp Navajo Hunting Information
OCS Newsletter augus 2023 issue 01
OCS Newsletter
May 2024 | Issue 10
Arizona Army National Guard

The Arizona Army National Guard (AZARNG) continuously provides a trained and ready force capable of performing unified land operations and defense support to civil authorities.

Through training, professional development and leadership engagements, the AZARNG continues to be a force capable of accomplishing a myriad of missions. 

AZARNG Soldiers are professionals who balance civilian careers, families and academic advancement. This is the essence of being Citizen-Soldiers “Always Ready, Always There.”

The AZARNG is made up of six major commands with approximately 5,100 Soldiers.

Army National Guard. bird's-eye view of soldiers' information on a football field. audience in the stage viewing the event
BG Joe E Murdock
Brigadier General
Joe E. Murdock
Land Component Commander



CW5 James Gullett
Chief Warrant Officer 5
CW5 James Gullett
State Command Chief Warrant Officer
CSM Graydon B. Griffin
Command Sergeant Major
CSM Graydon B. Griffin
State Command Sergeant Major

Soldier Support

I.D. Cards/DEERS Transactions:   
(602) 267-2750

Military Clothing Sales:                
(602) 275-8307

Education Services Assistant (MGIB):
(602) 267-2445

(602) 629-4233

Medical Files and Records:  
(602) 629-4370

Inspector General: 
(602) 267-2670

Judge Advocate General (JAG):
(602) 267-2588

Family Programs

Family Readiness:
(602) 267-2593/2391

Information, motivation and support
(602) 629-4805

Retiree Service Office:
Retiree Benefits Advisor (TRICARE Reserve Select):
(602) 267-2545

Survivor Outreach Services:
Families of fallen Active Duty Army/National Guard members
(602) 267-2172
(602) 267-2173
(928) 773-3295

Important Information

(602) 531-0998 or (602) 267-2449

Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Military One Source:
1-800-342-9647 or (602) 267-2430

Papago Park Security:
(602) 267-2428