Warrant Officer Candidate School
Warrant Officer - Highly Specialized, In Demand
The Technical Expert
Warrant Officers are Soldiers, Officers, and Technical Experts rolled into one. You'll take your military job to the next level and train others in the process. From highly skilled pilots to geospatial intelligence, Warrant Officers continue to hone their skills within their specific career fields.
Contact the Army Warrant Officer Strength Manager for more information:
CW2 Andrea Sam (602) 332-5331 or [email protected]
WOCS entrance requirements:
- Minimum GT score 110
- ALC Graduate in feeder MOS
- Pass 6-event ACFT
- Secret Security Clearance
- No criminal history
- Documented leadership experience in feeder MOS
- Max age 32 for aviators without a waiver
- Max age 46 for non-aviator MOS without a waiver
- Meet minimum prerequisites by MOS
WOCS graduation requirements:
- Pass 6 event ACFT
- Land Navigation - Find 3 out of 4 points within 3 hours
- Complete 6.2-mile foot march with ACH, weapon, & rucksack with 30% body weight not to exceed 48lbs
- Military Briefing
- Score minimum 70% on 4 academic exams