Camp Navajo is a Multi-Service Training Site. Not only is Camp Navajo used for training by all branches of the military service; Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines (Active and Reserve), Camp Navajo is the primary training site in the State of Arizona for maneuver training and is capable of supporting battalion size units.
Camp Navajo offers premier, high altitude and diverse training capabilities with modernized facilities. The installation offers training areas to meet any organizational need, spanning across the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) environment. The Training Site includes headquarters facilities, billeting, dining, classrooms, and recreational areas
The Training Site complex consists of nine buildings that can accommodate 600 personnel. There are separate barracks for junior and senior staff, as well as 46 person open bay facilities. Television, mini refrigerators, and microwaves are available in the billeting rooms.
The Training Site has three classrooms designed to accommodate 30 people, a distance learning center, and a full dining facility seating up to 300 people which can double as a conference hall.
With over 17,000 acres of land available, the installation provides an opportunity for uninterrupted secluded training activities for a variety of organizations, up to a battalion size.
Additional training capabilities include a rifle and pistol range, an obstacle course, MOUT, and two land navigation courses. There are training areas with both improved and unimproved bivouac sites.

Command, operate, manage, and administer the use of resources of a Maneuver Training Center- Light (MTC-L) and Individual Training Center (ITC) to accomplish all assigned missions.

Camp Navajo is located in Coconino County, West of Flagstaff, Arizona. Camp Navajo functions as a training site for transportation, engineering, military police, aviation, ordnance, medical, quartermaster, and related units.

Open bay accommodations are available to government organizations, and some Non-Profit Organizations upon an approved request.

The purpose of the Chapel is to come together with members of the military and the local community to pray for our Military personnel, either deployed or stateside, and their families.
The Training Site facilities are comprised of 116,460 sq. feet of Infrastructure to support a Battalion size element of 600 soldiers.
Bachelor Enlisted Quarters / B.E.Q.
There are 48 rooms with shared shower and bath, Direct TV, microwave, coffee pot, small refrigerator, washer and dryer (2 twin beds per room).
Bachelor Officer Quarters / B.O.Q.
There are 20 Private rooms with shared shower and bath, Direct TV, microwave, coffee pot, small refrigerator, washer and dryers (1 bed only).
Battalion Headquarters Administration Area
There is 5000 sq. ft. consisting of 6 offices ranging in size from 250 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft., a 2000 sq. ft. storage/supply area and a conference room.
We have 3-950 sq. ft. Classrooms (40 person capacity).
Company Headquarters
Total 6000 square feet consisting of five 1200 square feet company headquarter areas. Each Company area has a reception room, three offices, and a supply/storage area.
Confidence Course
17 obstacles, platoon size, team building.
Dining Facility / D.F.A.C.
Capable of 300 personnel through put per hour.
Distance Learning Center
Video Teleconferencing, capability (950 sq. ft.), 12 workstations, network printer and conference table.
Enlisted Open Bay Barracks
There are 12/50 bed open bays (600 beds / limited wall locker availability due to fire regulations). Each bay has latrines with 6 person showers, sinks, washers and dryer, Direct TV available in each common area.
Helicopter Landing Zone / H.L.Z.
North of Fire Department, marked by “H” on asphalt road.
Landing Zone/Drop Zone
Multiple locations to utilize for LZ & DZ areas, for more information contact Range Control.
Motor Pool
100,000 sq. ft. of fenced in Motor Pool (behind building 60 company area).
RV and Boat Storage Area
Locked and fenced in area with 120 parking slots with 24 hour security.
RV Camp Ground
16 sites, electric and water hook up, tent sites, 2 Ramada’s / group BBQ area, RV Dump Station 2 additional primitive sites (dry camp only) at Indian Village and Tappen Springs.
Wash Point
Located west of Company Headquarters area, not available during the winter months.